How our landscaping company will help your commercial property during autumn and winter

commercial landscape

Have you ever wondered what landscaping companies do during autumn or winter? Many company directors wrongly believe that landscaping companies don’t have much to do during autumn or winter. They come to this conclusion because of the gloomy weather which they then associate with an inability to grow or work on their company’s garden. While the rain and low temperatures certainly don’t make our job easy during these months, it’s a necessary evil. 

Contrary to popular belief, there is a lot to do on a commercial landscape during the winter months. With zero snow or frost and temperatures that seldom hit below 0, winter in Sydney is not as harsh as other countries. This means that, unlike other climates, in Sydney, you have more opportunities to tend to your garden.

Though we do not recommend ignoring your garden at any time of the year, residential properties tend to do so during winter as a way of reducing their costs; this is not a good tactic as costs end up being higher in the spring and summer due to lack of maintenance. However, for commercial properties, it is much more important to maintain a landscape throughout the year as this keeps the physical space of the property attractive for customers and on par with their competitors. 

Where can my company find the best landscaping companies in Sydney?

Before we dive into how your landscaping company will harness the few benefits that winter has to offer, let’s first answer one of the most common questions that many business owners have.

Civil and Scape specialises in commercial landscaping and civil construction. Our team will work with you to meet your needs and advise according to what your goals are for your business.

When winter hits, our team will engage in the following actions to capitalise on winter and prepare your landscape for spring and summer.

4 ways Civil and Scape will help your business during autumn and winter

Plant spring-flowering bulbs

Planting during winter is perfect for achieving a full blossom of spring flowers. Our landscaping team will assess your landscape, collaborate with you on the placement of these bulbs, advise on well-lit areas with well-drained soil and plant them in time for spring bloom. While bulbs should ideally be planted in autumn for spring bloom, planting during winter will ensure a late spring/early summer bloom.

Daffodils, dutch iris, hyacinth, lachenalia, ixia, muscari, ranunculi and tulips are popular flowers for blooming during springtime. For a summer bloom, your landscaper may plant hydrangeas, agapanthus, zinnias, hibiscus and crepe myrtle.

Trim and prune hedges and plants

Trimming and pruning hedges right before the onset of winter will keep them compact but voluminous and at the ground level. Pruning is stimulating to plants because there is a chemical contained in the cut buds which allow the buds to break once removed and ultimately, causing a bushy plant.

It can be very easy to ‘over-prune’; only one of our professional landscapers will be able to trim the bushes, short enough to benefit from volume in the spring, but long enough to avoid killing the plant.

Cover the soil

Leaving flower beds exposed during winter can cause a number of issues which can then lead to more work for your landscaping company and increased costs for their services. Exposed flower beds can allow weeds to grow during winter and into spring, which makes your landscape look unruly and drains the soil of its resources.

To prevent the weeds from sprouting our team will cover the soil with mulch, cardboard or another natural landscaping fabric. This curbs the growth of weeds and even prevents pests from disturbing the soil while allowing helpful organisms to proliferate.

Rake the leaves

During autumn and winter, trees shed their leaves to conserve resources. What most people know as a tell-tale sign of cooler weather, can quickly turn into a point of annoyance for many business owners. While a light shedding of leaves is not a major issue, it can turn into an undesirable element for a commercial property.

Our team will regularly remove leaves, debris and branches that have fallen onto your property. We will create a timely schedule, ensuring that you are always left with a clean and tidy landscape.

Have we managed to convince you that landscaping services are helpful for businesses during autumn and winter? Then, have a chat with a member of our team. Give us a call on 1300 457 457 or shoot us a message here.

4 signs your business’ landscape in Sydney is in need of maintenance this winter

landscape in Sydney

Winter can be rough on landscapes, especially if they’re not prepared for low temperatures, falling leaves and torrential downpour. In Sydney, we’re lucky that winter is not as harsh as it is in other climates. In fact, we experience what many other countries would class as typical weather during their autumn. Despite this, it does not mean that we can completely neglect our landscapes during this time. If you do, your business will be in for some unsavoury effects.

Businesses in Sydney have many costs – rent, labour and overheads are just some of the expenses that they can incur. Because of this, businesses understandably cut costs where possible. During winter, landscaping maintenance is one of the first expenses to be slashed, as many business owners view it as an unnecessary cost during that time. In this article, we’ll discuss why this is a bad idea, and what can potentially happen if you cut or refuse to invest in landscaping during winter.

Why should your business invest in landscaping services during winter?

Many business owners need to be convinced to invest in landscaping services during the winter months in Sydney. The investment seems futile because of the gloomy weather, however, as you’ll see in the reasons outlined below, maintaining your commercial landscape is valuable in more ways than one.

Here are a few reasons why investing in landscaping services during winter is a smart business decision:

  • It reduces costs of spring and summer landscape services as the property is consistently maintained.
  • Your business’ physical appearance remains attractive during gloomy months, maintaining your reputation and attractiveness to potential customers.
  • It helps to improve your employees’ productivity levels as a welcoming outdoor space contributes to their wellbeing and happiness at the company.

These are just a few advantages of maintaining your commercial landscape throughout the winter months. However, if you’re still unsure whether this investment is worth it for your business, we’ve outlined a few signs that will point you in the right direction.

4 signs that you should invest in landscaping services during winter

Plants and trees are overcrowded

Many people don’t realise that plants and trees continue to grow during winter, and without proper maintenance, they can become overcrowded. For a commercial landscape, overcrowding of plants and trees don’t have the rustic charm it does in natural forests. Instead, overcrowding can look disorganised and poorly maintained and overall, cheapen the appearance of your commercial property.

Your competitors and neighbouring companies are well-maintained

Some commercial properties try to hide amongst other poorly maintained commercial landscapes. While we never recommend this strategy (a poorly maintained area is also difficult to find in Sydney), it can work because the severity of your landscape will not be as apparent. However, if you are located in an area that contains well-manicured commercial landscapes, especially if some of those businesses are your competitors, then you should consider investing in landscaping services.

Investing in landscaping services will allow you to maintain your business’ physical marketing advantages and communicate to clients and potential customers that you are a successful business. It will also avoid your business’ appearance from appearing much worse when compared to neighbouring businesses.

Your lawn is waterlogged

In Sydney, autumn and winter months contain breezy days, low temperatures and a lot of rain. While some rain is beneficial, too much can cause waterlogged lawns. You most likely have a waterlogged lawn if you notice that rainwater is sitting on the surface of the lawn and not draining through the soil. 

To fix this issue, a member of our landscaping team will have to aerate your lawn to promote proper drainage. Depending on the severity of your issue and your space, installation of a drain or repair of your drainage system may be needed, however, only a professional would be able to diagnose and solve your issue.

The property is filled with debris

As mentioned previously, winters in Sydney can be incredibly windy. What does this do to your landscape? On good days, it will blow dried leaves, twigs and loose dirt all over your property. On a terrible day, it can cause branches to break and trees to fall, causing a potential hazard for workers at your business. 

This can happen throughout winter. When debris piles up, it doesn’t only cause flooding issues on your property, but it also degrades the appearance of your property. Landscaping maintenance services will regularly ensure that all leaves and twigs are rakes and other debris removed.

We hope that we’ve convinced you of the value of commercial landscaping services during winter. If you’re interested in seeing some of our work, browse through our gallery to view our past projects.

Want to have a chat? Give us a call on 1300 457 457 or shoot us a message here.