commercial landscape idea

10 Commercial Landscape Ideas That Can Transform Your Business

16 Jun 2020

If you’re trying to transform your company, then look no further than reinvigorating your business’ landscape. Your landscape says a lot about your business, its reputation and how much it values itself. By focussing on your landscape and ensuring that it communicates professionalism, you signal to prospective customers, clients and your employees that you care about your company’s appearance, your employees’ comfort and your own reputation. It may sound simplistic that a simple transformation of your landscape can lead to a number of benefits however, in a world with a multitude of businesses, the simplest things can provide that much-needed competitive edge.

To transform your business’ landscape, where do you start? Before you contact a commercial landscape company, you should have an idea of what you’d like your landscape to look like or where you’d like to invest your money. There are limitless options when it comes to redesigning your landscape, and unless you’re familiar with landscape services, it can be difficult to decide on options that are effective for your business. We’ve compiled commercial landscape ideas that would greatly benefit any business.

10 ideas to revamp your commercial landscape

  1. Introduce a living wall
    A living wall is more than just an opportunity for Instagram photos (although, this would help your company’s marketing), it can breathe life into your company and offer a refreshing addition to your space. A vertical garden can be added to both your interior and exterior spaces. Use it as an opportunity to introduce greenery into your office interior–a space that can easily become stuffy and boring.
  2. Create an inviting space for your clients, employees and customers
    When designing your space, aim for creating a warm, inviting and comfortable area for your clients, employees and customers. Use benches, pergolas, shady trees and beautiful flower beds to make your customers want to stay in your space and employees want to come to work. Even if the nature of your business does not require seating for customers, invest in your employees! Ensure that they have a pleasant space to relax on their breaks or clear their heads. On both ends, upgrading your office’s cold and bare environment will attract customers to your business and create more positive-minded employees with high morale.
  3. Brand your landscaping
    Branding your landscape does not only send the message that you are successful enough to invest in tailored landscaping but, it also signals that you care about the environment and your business. If your business is a yoga studio then create a tranquil garden with water features to improve your outdoor classes and match your brand identity. Ensure that it reflects your business and its identity.
  4. Seasonally curate your flowers
    Most business owners don’t think about seasonally curating their flowers however, this allows your business to maintain a vibrant and lively landscape throughout the year. Don’t allow your company’s garden to suffer from winter blues, ask your landscaper to include flowers with different blooming seasons!
  5. Invest in light fixtures
    Even though you may not be working at night, your business is still visible to prospective customers! Improve your company’s night presence by adding light fixtures within your landscape. It will illuminate your business during that night and catch the attention of potential customers.
  6. Promote your company’s eco-consciousness
    Promote your company’s eco-consciousness by adding a plaque that details information about the additions to your landscape. For example, if you have added trees to your landscape, inform your customers via a plaque that it serves as a habitat for a specific animal. Of course, being eco-conscious is beneficial on its own, but it certainly also helps your business to capitalise on the growing popularity of sustainable and environmentally-friendly businesses.
  7. Use native/evergreen trees
    Much like having seasonally curated flowers, including evergreen and native trees into your landscape, will ensure that you have lush and shady trees throughout the year.
  8. Install high-quality additions
    Including high-quality features into your landscape provides an upscale appearance for your business, indicating that you are successful and care about your business’ appearance and your employees’ comfort.
  9. Guide your customers to your entrance
    Try to add planters, stones, flowers beds and shrubs to the pathway of your entrance. This doesn’t only help with guiding your customers and clients to your entrance but, it creates a positive experience from start to finish.
  10. Frame your entrance
    Framing your entrance with your landscape can create a wonderful focal point for your building. Decorate your entrance with potted plants, a small water feature or frame the entryway with a green border.

At Civil and Scape, we have a deep understanding of all aspects of commercial landscape services which allows us to take a forward-thinking and specialised approach.

We provide innovative and sustainable solutions, ensuring to deliver a successful outcome for your business.

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