landscape contractors

How to elevate your property by using timber in your landscape construction project

26 Sep 2021

When it comes to landscape construction projects, commercial properties are ripe with potential. Construction projects give our team the opportunity to elevate your property’s functionality and appearance to a new, more refined level. While we’ve spoken about the value that lies in landscaping construction, we’ve never touched on material specifics. In this article we’ll take a look at one of our favourite materials to work with – timber. Timber is full of character, and as simple as it may seem, is one of the best tools for subtly but improving your property.

The beauty of timber is often forgotten

At Civil and Scape, we love working with timber. It’s a material that’s full of character and different features, depending on the type of wood that it is. However, we don’t often get to utilise it in our projects, because many clients prefer concrete, steel, aluminium and other more popular products.

Timber is a natural material and perfect for any commercial property interested in evoking the following qualities:

  • Rustic charm
  • Coastal chic
  • Bohemian 

Timber is also an environmentally-friendly material and perfect for commercial properties that want to portray themselves as eco-conscious. It often is a popular choice by yoga studios, spas, wellness centres and some restaurants.

Timber is as versatile as it is diverse

Timber’s versatility comes from its different varieties. We use many types of timber in our landscape construction projects as they allow us to provide clients with different finishes, grains, features and possibilities. 

Here are a few of the materials that may be utilised in our landscape construction projects:

Spotted Gum

This is a beautiful and striking material that offers durability. It is a popular choice by our clients for flooring as well as for other applications that require weather resistance. In appearance, it is light to medium brown and quite warm, offering businesses a beautiful and versatile element.


Merbau wood offers natural lustre in the form of deep red tones. Often a love it or hate it material, Merbau is excellent for restaurant and hotel decks as it is less prone to cupping and movement. While this type of timber has its positive features, it can be difficult to find ethically sourced Merbau.


Blackbutt has a light, airy and golden cream colour. It is extremely popular with a number of our clients as it is an excellent choice for bushfire-prone areas. The Blackbutt tree grows quite quickly and is seen as a sustainable option for landscaping construction. It’s excellent for fencing, decking and even framing. 


This is an incredibly heavy and durable type of timber, making it a suitable choice for furniture and exterior flooring. While it is one of our most expensive options, its longevity makes this material a great investment, particularly for commercial properties. In appearance, it offers a silvery natural appearance.


Pinewood is one of the most affordable materials for landscaping construction. It is a softwood and is therefore prone to denting and scuffing. We do not like to use it for exterior flooring, however, it is a great material for furniture and bordering/framing.

Where do we use timber in landscaping construction?

Elevating your landscape with timber takes a deep understanding of landscaping design as well as technical knowledge of timber and its specific features and qualities. Bearing in mind the characteristics of different types of timber, below is a list of ways that we utilise timber in landscaping construction to elevate properties.

Add charm and rusticity

By nature, wood adds an effortless charm to properties. We especially find that Spotted Gum is excellent for this effect because the shade of brown it provides is rich, warm and inviting. Adding charm or rusticity to your commercial property sets the tone for the rest of your landscape’s aesthetic. It is particularly effective for law firms, restaurants and hotels in search of creating an endearing environment.

Contrast with harsh or cold materials

As neutral colours, cool tones, concrete and aluminium have become increasingly popular over the last decade, it’s now very easy to mistakenly create a cold and uninviting landscape. To break up the detachment of the landscape, timber’s natural warmth can balance the overall aesthetic and create a more welcoming space for your customers, visitors and employees.

Provide uniqueness with a monochrome palette

Similarly to our last point, monochrome palettes have crept up in popularity over the last few years – even in one’s landscape. While there is certainly the time and place for this design aesthetic, often you can find that it bears little impact and requires an element to add another more effective angle. Timber’s uniqueness comes in the form of its grains which provide effortless character. This can elevate the rest of the landscape’s appearance, whether it is used in screens, decks or furniture.

Thinking about adding timber to your landscape? Contact our team to find out how we can help you.

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