Landscaping construction

Landscaping construction: 4 tips to ensure success for your Sydney business

23 Jul 2021

Landscaping construction projects can be transformational for your Sydney business, however, like anything related to construction, it can be overwhelming and stressful. Generally, construction projects require the coordination of different teams, input from several technical experts and often encounter hiccups along the way; this is why many business owners become nervous over the successful completion of their projects. While at Civil and Scape, we guarantee an on-time, budget-conscious project that is completed according to your specifications, there are a few things that you, the client, can do to help guarantee a successful execution.

Our approach to landscaping construction projects

Collaborative efforts

Landscaping construction projects require a collaborative effort between our Civil and Scape team and the client. We believe that the client’s input is invaluable and key to executing a project that completely aligns with their expectations. 


Whether it be something as simple as installing street furniture or as complex as a large-scale revegetation project, it is important for us to know exactly what the clients expect. ‘Expectation’ is a loaded term that encapsulates their vision as well as budgetary limitations and time constraints. These are all important factors for ensuring the successful completion of a project.


We work hand-in-hand with the clients, ensuring that they are informed of the progress of their project and each step taking place. Our team believes that this is how you acquire meaningful input from clients; this is key in accurately bringing to life the vision of our client.

Clients can also play a part in ensuring the success of a landscaping construction project. In this article, we’ll outline a few tips that will help our clients become better clients. Ultimately, this should make any construction project process much smoother.

4 tips for clients to ensure success with their landscaping construction project

  • Clearly outline your vision

The first step to ensuring that a company executes your vision is to make sure that they know exactly what your vision entails. 

At Civil and Scape, as a starting point we make sure the client outlines the full scope of the project complete with all specifications. As the client, ensure that you know exactly what you want for your business so that you can effectively relay it to your contractor.

  • Define your limitations (and be realistic)

Every client has their limits. Civil and Scape and many other companies are often comfortable working within most limitations, however, they must be realistic and expressed openly.

Ensure that you specify your budget and deadline, leaving enough time and financial backing to execute what you want. If you approach our company with unrealistic limits, we will communicate to you that it is not feasible or possible, however, some other companies may not. In this case, you’ll end up with a project that either misses your deadline, is over budget or simply, not executed to your standards.

  • Collaborate with your landscaping construction contractor

At Civil and Scape, we value the input of our clients, after all, no one knows what the result should look like better than you. Be communicative with your contractor and ensure that you relay your concerns about the project. If you’re having second thoughts about some element of the project, then communicate that to the contractor. Our landscaping construction experts prefer that you tell us about your concern  earlier rather than later; every challenge is an opportunity to be innovative.

  • Be flexible and understanding, but steadfast

Unfortunately, issues happen with construction projects. It’s no fault of the client or company, it’s just the nature of the industry. It’s important that, as the client, you are understanding and flexible with solutions. However, you should also, never let a decision or solution severely alter the overall result of the project (unless you want it to). This is a difficult line to walk, but our team will guide you through your decision-making process.

We hope that these tips help to make your next landscaping construction project successful. Remember that all projects have their hiccups, but it’s how you approach the entire process that dictates its success. If you choose to work with us, we promise to support you throughout the project’s lifecycle. 

If you’re interested in seeing some of our landscaping construction work, browse through our gallery to view our past projects.

Want to have a chat? Give us a call on 1300 457 457 or shoot us a message here.

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