5 ways our civil and landscape company can add value to Sydney


While we value every client that we have, we also value our city and our country. At Civil and Scape, we look forward to contributing to civil projects as much as we do our commercial projects. Landscaping and civil works are important tools needed to both beautify and make our city more functional. 

Civil and landscaping works are integral to the beauty of Sydney

When people walk around the city of Sydney, enjoy time at our parks or simply drive to work, they bypass many important elements that keep the city running and as popular as it currently is. Even throughout the pandemic, there’s no denying that the city has remained lively, vibrant and as beautiful as ever. While a large part of that is due to the unique businesses and characters that fill the city, it’s also because of the landscaping and civil works that have been implemented.

The civil and landscaping services that we offer at our company have a lot of potential to improve and enhance the environment. Before we get into how they can do that, let’s first take a brief look at what civil and landscaping services are as well as what our offerings encompass.

Civil works

Civil works or civil construction is considered to be any service that contributes to the creation of infrastructure involving anything to do with water, earth or transport. With civil works, there are elements of design, construction and maintenance of the physical structure. Our services incorporate all three elements.

What civil works do we offer?

StoneworksGround preparationKerbingAsphalt pavingStormwater management including the installation of pipes, pits and culverts Construction of retaining walls and soil stabilisationConcrete works including steel fixing, formwork and slabsConstruction of ramps, access paths and stairs 


Landscaping services involve the addition of plants, manipulation of terrain and the construction of structures (this is commonly called hard landscaping). Soft landscaping refers to any service that improves the aesthetics of the natural environment.

What landscaping services do we offer

Planting trees and plantsRevegetation projectsTurf layingIrrigationPavingTimber deckingInstallation of street furnitureInstallation of water features Comprehensive maintenance programsWell-manicured turf and clean tended planting bedsSeasonal colour enhancementsSite improvement initiativeSoil placement and mulching

How can our civil and landscaping company add value to Sydney?

Beautify the area by planting trees and flowers

We love beautifying areas through the planting of native flowers, shrubs and trees. Civil and Scape has the capacity to revegetate areas that are barren and provide new life to the area. We’re also able to maintain flower beds and turf across the city. We provide seasonal colour enhancements so that there are flowers that bloom throughout each of Sydney’s four seasons.

Pave roads and access paths

Roads and access paths are important to the accessibility and mobility of the city. We’re able to provide concrete work, stonework and asphalt paving, depending on the suitability of the site. Each service we offer has its benefits, however, with the workmanship of our team, each promises a high-quality result that will improve the quality of life in Sydney.

Install stormwater management systems

Stormwater management systems are legally required in Australia and prevent the following from occurring:

  • Flooding in urban areas
  • Harmful bacteria can get disposed of in wetlands
  • Reduced water quality 
  • Loss of aquatic life

They are key for the maintenance of the hydrologic cycle and for avoiding flash flooding in Sydney. We install the pipes, pits and culverts needed for the system and ultimately, help avoid deterioration of the streets and Sydney’s aquatic life.

Provide access paths, ramps and stairs

A beautiful city is one that is also accessible to people of all abilities. Access paths and ramps are an important part of making that transition. We can construct ramps, stairs and access paths to provide better access to Sydney’s parks, businesses and sites of attraction. 

Install bike racks

Sydney is becoming greener by the minute with more and more people cycling to work, school and to carry out their errands. In order for this environmentally-friendly action to become even more popular, more bike racks are needed so that cyclists have a safe place to store their bikes. We can install bike racks in front of businesses or wherever the city deems it appropriate to help improve the lives of cyclists.

If you’re interested in seeing some of our civil and landscaping work, browse through our gallery to view our past projects. Want to have a chat? Give us a call on 1300 457 457 or shoot us a message here.

How Sydney businesses can improve employee productivity through landscaping

landscaping sydney

High employee productivity is integral to a business’ success and profitability. While many factors impact the level of employee productivity at a business, there’s one that many business owners forget about and subsequently neglect – the landscaping of their business. In Sydney, many businesses are located on properties that have the potential to transform into an impressive, professionally landscaped space. However, because many business owners aren’t aware of the importance of a landscape to employee productivity, it is not invested in.

On  average, employees who are full-time at an office work approximately 40 hours per week. Forty hours is almost equal to 2 days, which is a lot of time for a person to be cooped up in an office. A commercial property that’s surrounded by a beautiful and functional landscape is a great way to alleviate many of  the negative side effects that come with working at an office. It’s important for businesses to focus on  the  well-being of  their employees because valuable employees are hard to come by. Employee retention should be a priority.

To further explain why and how a landscaping company can improve employee productivity at your  business, we’ve outlined four measures and impacts that Civil and Scape can have on your team.

4 ways Civil and Scape can improve employee productivity in Sydney through landscaping 

Construct pathways for exercise

A Leeds Metropolitan University study found that workers who visited the gym during working hours were more productive, managed their time better, and felt more satisfied at work. While a pathway certainly isn’t a gym, it does facilitate movement outside of the workplace.

Pathways offer employees a break away from the concrete walls of their offices and allow them to get both mental and physical relief. Taking a 15 minute walk is linked to increased happiness, alertness and energy levels at work – all of which increase productivity in the workplace.

Install bike racks to encourage sustainability and physical activity

On a similar note, Civil and Scape can install bike racks at your workplace to encourage employees to ride to work and maintain their physical activity. Many employees would bike to work, however, the lack of security surrounding simply leaving your bike unattended and unlocked prevents many from doing an activity that could positively benefit your business.

Much like taking a walk, biking to and from work improves energy levels and alertness.

Create an outside sitting area for employee socialising

Adding a beautiful courtyard with street furniture to your landscape can encourage your employees to socialise outside of the physical building of the company. When employees have a designated area to socialise, or even to sit and mentally destress, they are more likely to handle the stress of work in an effective and healthy manner. Employees also feel more comfortable to actually take a break from work. 

Our Civil and Scape team can work with you to decide what your outdoor sitting area should look like. From landscaping a courtyard area, to installing outdoor sitting and water features, our recommendations can be completely customised according to your business needs. 

Decrease stress levels through the planting of trees and flowers

Trees and flowers can physiologically and psychologically affect employees. Psychologically, the presence of trees and flowers can improve an employee’s mood, whether they’re outside enjoying the landscape, or viewing it from the office. As mentioned before, an improvement in an employee’s mood is linked to their productivity levels.

Plants also clean the air that we breathe. This is particularly helpful if you ask Civil and Scape to produce a green wall for the interior of your office. A green wall will clean the air, providing employees with a healthier environment and a pleasant view, both of which can improve their productivity levels.

Together, all of these contribute to improved mental health and productivity levels in employees. If you’re unsure of the suitability of different elements in your landscape, contact a member of our team.

What  other benefits can landscaping have on my business?

Hiring Civil and Scape for your landscape doesn’t just positively impact your employees, but  other  areas  of your business as  well. Here are a few benefits you can expect if you hire a landscaping company for your business:

  • Attract customers
  • Improve business presence  at night
  • Increase the length of time customers stay on your  premises
  • Impress clients
  • Add sustainability to your brand identity

We hope that we’ve convinced you of the value of commercial landscaping services and their impacts on employee productivity levels. If you’re interested in seeing some of our commercial work, browse through our gallery to view our past projects.

Want to have a chat? Give us a call on 1300 457 457 or shoot us a message here. 

How our landscaping company will help your commercial property during autumn and winter

commercial landscape

Have you ever wondered what landscaping companies do during autumn or winter? Many company directors wrongly believe that landscaping companies don’t have much to do during autumn or winter. They come to this conclusion because of the gloomy weather which they then associate with an inability to grow or work on their company’s garden. While the rain and low temperatures certainly don’t make our job easy during these months, it’s a necessary evil. 

Contrary to popular belief, there is a lot to do on a commercial landscape during the winter months. With zero snow or frost and temperatures that seldom hit below 0, winter in Sydney is not as harsh as other countries. This means that, unlike other climates, in Sydney, you have more opportunities to tend to your garden.

Though we do not recommend ignoring your garden at any time of the year, residential properties tend to do so during winter as a way of reducing their costs; this is not a good tactic as costs end up being higher in the spring and summer due to lack of maintenance. However, for commercial properties, it is much more important to maintain a landscape throughout the year as this keeps the physical space of the property attractive for customers and on par with their competitors. 

Where can my company find the best landscaping companies in Sydney?

Before we dive into how your landscaping company will harness the few benefits that winter has to offer, let’s first answer one of the most common questions that many business owners have.

Civil and Scape specialises in commercial landscaping and civil construction. Our team will work with you to meet your needs and advise according to what your goals are for your business.

When winter hits, our team will engage in the following actions to capitalise on winter and prepare your landscape for spring and summer.

4 ways Civil and Scape will help your business during autumn and winter

Plant spring-flowering bulbs

Planting during winter is perfect for achieving a full blossom of spring flowers. Our landscaping team will assess your landscape, collaborate with you on the placement of these bulbs, advise on well-lit areas with well-drained soil and plant them in time for spring bloom. While bulbs should ideally be planted in autumn for spring bloom, planting during winter will ensure a late spring/early summer bloom.

Daffodils, dutch iris, hyacinth, lachenalia, ixia, muscari, ranunculi and tulips are popular flowers for blooming during springtime. For a summer bloom, your landscaper may plant hydrangeas, agapanthus, zinnias, hibiscus and crepe myrtle.

Trim and prune hedges and plants

Trimming and pruning hedges right before the onset of winter will keep them compact but voluminous and at the ground level. Pruning is stimulating to plants because there is a chemical contained in the cut buds which allow the buds to break once removed and ultimately, causing a bushy plant.

It can be very easy to ‘over-prune’; only one of our professional landscapers will be able to trim the bushes, short enough to benefit from volume in the spring, but long enough to avoid killing the plant.

Cover the soil

Leaving flower beds exposed during winter can cause a number of issues which can then lead to more work for your landscaping company and increased costs for their services. Exposed flower beds can allow weeds to grow during winter and into spring, which makes your landscape look unruly and drains the soil of its resources.

To prevent the weeds from sprouting our team will cover the soil with mulch, cardboard or another natural landscaping fabric. This curbs the growth of weeds and even prevents pests from disturbing the soil while allowing helpful organisms to proliferate.

Rake the leaves

During autumn and winter, trees shed their leaves to conserve resources. What most people know as a tell-tale sign of cooler weather, can quickly turn into a point of annoyance for many business owners. While a light shedding of leaves is not a major issue, it can turn into an undesirable element for a commercial property.

Our team will regularly remove leaves, debris and branches that have fallen onto your property. We will create a timely schedule, ensuring that you are always left with a clean and tidy landscape.

Have we managed to convince you that landscaping services are helpful for businesses during autumn and winter? Then, have a chat with a member of our team. Give us a call on 1300 457 457 or shoot us a message here.

4 signs your business’ landscape in Sydney is in need of maintenance this winter

landscape in Sydney

Winter can be rough on landscapes, especially if they’re not prepared for low temperatures, falling leaves and torrential downpour. In Sydney, we’re lucky that winter is not as harsh as it is in other climates. In fact, we experience what many other countries would class as typical weather during their autumn. Despite this, it does not mean that we can completely neglect our landscapes during this time. If you do, your business will be in for some unsavoury effects.

Businesses in Sydney have many costs – rent, labour and overheads are just some of the expenses that they can incur. Because of this, businesses understandably cut costs where possible. During winter, landscaping maintenance is one of the first expenses to be slashed, as many business owners view it as an unnecessary cost during that time. In this article, we’ll discuss why this is a bad idea, and what can potentially happen if you cut or refuse to invest in landscaping during winter.

Why should your business invest in landscaping services during winter?

Many business owners need to be convinced to invest in landscaping services during the winter months in Sydney. The investment seems futile because of the gloomy weather, however, as you’ll see in the reasons outlined below, maintaining your commercial landscape is valuable in more ways than one.

Here are a few reasons why investing in landscaping services during winter is a smart business decision:

  • It reduces costs of spring and summer landscape services as the property is consistently maintained.
  • Your business’ physical appearance remains attractive during gloomy months, maintaining your reputation and attractiveness to potential customers.
  • It helps to improve your employees’ productivity levels as a welcoming outdoor space contributes to their wellbeing and happiness at the company.

These are just a few advantages of maintaining your commercial landscape throughout the winter months. However, if you’re still unsure whether this investment is worth it for your business, we’ve outlined a few signs that will point you in the right direction.

4 signs that you should invest in landscaping services during winter

Plants and trees are overcrowded

Many people don’t realise that plants and trees continue to grow during winter, and without proper maintenance, they can become overcrowded. For a commercial landscape, overcrowding of plants and trees don’t have the rustic charm it does in natural forests. Instead, overcrowding can look disorganised and poorly maintained and overall, cheapen the appearance of your commercial property.

Your competitors and neighbouring companies are well-maintained

Some commercial properties try to hide amongst other poorly maintained commercial landscapes. While we never recommend this strategy (a poorly maintained area is also difficult to find in Sydney), it can work because the severity of your landscape will not be as apparent. However, if you are located in an area that contains well-manicured commercial landscapes, especially if some of those businesses are your competitors, then you should consider investing in landscaping services.

Investing in landscaping services will allow you to maintain your business’ physical marketing advantages and communicate to clients and potential customers that you are a successful business. It will also avoid your business’ appearance from appearing much worse when compared to neighbouring businesses.

Your lawn is waterlogged

In Sydney, autumn and winter months contain breezy days, low temperatures and a lot of rain. While some rain is beneficial, too much can cause waterlogged lawns. You most likely have a waterlogged lawn if you notice that rainwater is sitting on the surface of the lawn and not draining through the soil. 

To fix this issue, a member of our landscaping team will have to aerate your lawn to promote proper drainage. Depending on the severity of your issue and your space, installation of a drain or repair of your drainage system may be needed, however, only a professional would be able to diagnose and solve your issue.

The property is filled with debris

As mentioned previously, winters in Sydney can be incredibly windy. What does this do to your landscape? On good days, it will blow dried leaves, twigs and loose dirt all over your property. On a terrible day, it can cause branches to break and trees to fall, causing a potential hazard for workers at your business. 

This can happen throughout winter. When debris piles up, it doesn’t only cause flooding issues on your property, but it also degrades the appearance of your property. Landscaping maintenance services will regularly ensure that all leaves and twigs are rakes and other debris removed.

We hope that we’ve convinced you of the value of commercial landscaping services during winter. If you’re interested in seeing some of our work, browse through our gallery to view our past projects.

Want to have a chat? Give us a call on 1300 457 457 or shoot us a message here.

The benefits of incorporating stoneworks into civil construction services and landscaping

civil construction services

Stone is a versatile material that accentuates the beauty of any landscape and structure. Incorporating stonework in civil works is a timeless, stylish, sustainable and environmentally friendly way to make any area stand out.

The economically sustainable properties of stone make an excellent option when considering minimising emissions in a public sphere.

Recommended stones for civil construction: 


Basalt stone, also referred to as traps, is recommended for bridge piers, dams, the surrounding of a playground, parkland, river walls and barricades. This stone is favoured when actioning stonework as it is compact and a fine to medium grain. Basalt is also known as a material for being weather and moisture resistant. Its colours range from dark grey, black, blue, and green, so aesthetically, they work well with many landscaping designs.


A popular choice for stonework for outdoor and building work is limestone. Notorious for being a durable sedimentary rock that works best for gravel, slab forms, footpaths, walls, facades and gardens, to name a few. The colours that this stone comes in are usually grey, tan, yellow, blue and cream. The aesthetics of limestone is that it offsets an impression of beach shell and fossils.

Limestone can set other materials; for example, it works as a cement base for pavements, flooring and roofs. When used for a landscaping wall, the texture is so dense that applying fine polish increases the materials shine and longevity.


Sandstone is one of the most popular stones used in civil construction services. Historically, the majority of Sydney’s infrastructure was made out of sandstone. Today, in Australia alone, you can find thousands of tonnes worth of sandstone.

Sandstone is a combination of quartz and feldspar and comes in various colours such as grey, red, brown, yellow and white. Today, it is favourable used for the exterior of buildings and outdoor public areas as it is sustainable and weather resistant.

Benefits of stone and stonework:  

Aesthetically pleasing:

There is a significant appreciation of stone because of its beauty. It is a material that is aesthetically pleasing and has been used for that very reason for thousands of years. In addition to this, natural stones are available in many shapes, sizes, colours, and textures, with customisation options to suit any design concept; there are no limits to stone design. It is only limited to the designer’s imagination.

Low maintenance: 

Compared to concrete, the utilisation of natural stone incorporates a material that is not as brittle and dense, ensuring minimal maintenance over concrete.


Stonework and the incorporation of stone in civil construction services are widely accepted on projects as this service is a green solution. Stone is an environmentally friendly material that stems from the earth’s surface, making it a naturally grown material. It has a low carbon footprint and low embodied energy, a completely recyclable material that makes it sustainable and easy to disperse.


Stonework can be considered the most durable design element to a landscape. It can resist harmful weather properties, changes in seasons and stay intact during turbulent weather such as high winds, rainfall and heatwaves. In addition to this, incorporating limestone and granite for natural stone paving is a moisture and heat resistant material, making it one of the most durable paving solutions. 

Civil and Scape has the capabilities and resources to fulfil any commercial project. In addition to stonework as part of our civil work services, we also offer the following: 

  • ground preparation,
  • kerbing, 
  • asphalt, 
  • stormwater management which includes installing pipes, pits and culverts, 
  • retaining walls and the stabilisation of soil, 
  • concrete labour including formwork, steel fixing and labs and,
  • ramp access paths and the construction of stairs. 

We take pride in offering proactive and sustainable solutions to ensure every project has the Civil and Scape touch. Are you looking to work with our team today for a smooth experience in executing your project? Our friendly staff would be more than happy to answer any of your enquiries. Call us on 1300 457 457 now.

3 ways landscaping companies can improve your business’ walkways

Commercial Landscaping Companies

Have you ever thought of your business’ walkway as an integral part of its landscape and the overall physical appearance of your company? If not, your company may be missing a chance at making your pathway more functional and aesthetically attractive. Walkways, whether leading to your business’ entrance or winding through your landscape, are important for providing safe access on your company’s property as well as affecting the overall appearance of your property. So what’s the first step for improving your business’ walkway? Contacting a landscaping company.

What do landscaping companies in Sydney do for your business’ walkway?

While walkways are never thought of as an interesting element to a company’s, they can be refined to enhance your landscape. A landscaping company like Civil and Scape will, in collaboration with you and according to your requirements, design a walkway that elevates your landscape and complements the nature of your business.

The design of a pathway involves determining what features you need from the footpath (non-slip, natural etc.) selecting material for the physical footpath as well as the design of the pathway. However, professional landscaping companies will suggest a number of design concepts for your walkway.

In this article, we’ll explore a few design concepts for your walkway. If you’re a potential client, feel free to reference these concepts when discussing your plans with us.

3 design concepts for your business’ walkway


If your company has a contemporary aesthetic with sharp lines and sleek concrete, then an understated walkway with minimal frills will blend in beautifully. To prevent a monotonous appearance, our team will avoid using the same materials and colour palate as this won’t appear finessed and will not enhance your company’s landscape.

With this design concept, a material that provides balance to your building and other elements of your landscape would provide understated elegance. For example, if your building is primarily made up of grey concrete, then consider a medium brown timber pathway. The pathway can be framed with low-cut turf or dark grey rocks to tie it back into the overall theme of minimalism. The timber pathway will balance the cold appearance of the concrete while keeping the landscape’s aesthetic contemporary.

Enchanting curved pathway

A curved pathway, while lovely, takes a considerable amount of planning and designing for your landscape. A curved pathway cannot be built to be winding with the necessary elements accentuating its bends and dips, otherwise, it will look extremely random in your landscape.

Blooming shrubs and wild bushes are perfect for framing the pathway and creating a sense of mystery by blocking what is around the bend of the path. For the pathway, stonemasonry is highly recommended as it complements the charm provided by the curvature of the pathway.

We recommend this concept for businesses that want to attract their customers to stay longer. Therefore, businesses in the hospitality industry as well as luxury residential buildings will benefit from this concept.

Adventure path

Adventure paths are walkways that incorporate senses into the landscape elements surrounding it. While a landscape is primarily visual, especially when it comes to blooming flowers and evergreen trees, you can also enhance its visual appeal with textural contrast and incorporate a second sense, scent.

An adventure path contains overhead elements and elements near the ground to create a sense of discovery. You can customise your flowers and trends to either remain simple with a green and white colour palette or to provide more complexity with a variety of flowers and foliage. The choice will be dependent on the overall aesthetic that you want to achieve for your business.

While some plants and flowers like jasminum sambac (Arabian jasmine) and lavandula dentata (French lavender) provide your sense of smell with beautiful scents, planting thymus praecox (creeping thyme) on the pathway will also release a scent every time it is crushed by walking feet.

As you may be able to tell, this design concept is best used in businesses that will benefit from customers who spend a long time on the property. This usually ends up being businesses in hospitality who need to provide an experience rather than just a product.

Civil and Scape’s landscape construction team is trained in advising business owners on what elements will work best for their company.  We provide proactive, innovative and sustainable solutions, ensuring to deliver a successful outcome.

Work with our team today for a seamless experience and perfect execution. Browse through our gallery to view our past projects.

What can a landscaping company do for your Sydney business during winter


Though winter in Sydney is not as severe as other parts of Australia or the world, it still impacts our lives and the environment. For your business, you may notice that its surroundings become a little drier, browner and less lively. Though you may not perceive this as a huge deal, the reality is that your landscape could be impacting your company image and sales. In previous articles, we have spoken at length about the positive impacts that a landscaping company and a well-curated landscape can have on a business—these effects do not stop just because it is winter. Passers-by, clients, customers and employees will still see your business and create their own idea or perception about you and your company.

You may be tempted to maintain your own landscape or hire helpers who are not professionally trained to design and maintain your landscape, however, without the appropriate expertise, your business will fail to achieve the desired impact. Especially during winter, we recommend that you hire a landscaping company to maintain and curate your landscape. You’ll find that your business will stand out, look more professional and benefit from a positive environment and perspective. If you are curious about what a landscaping company can specifically do for your business’ environment during winter, here are some of our recommended services.

Seasonal curation of flowers

There’s nothing worse than a colour-less, dried-up bed of flowers. Unsurprisingly, not every single flower will bloom during winter. There are specific species of flowers that bloom during summer, spring and autumn and winter. Some of the flowers that your landscaper may suggest for winter are jasmine, daylilies, zinnias and wallflowers. To prevent a colourless spell, request that your landscaper seasonally curate your flowers. Your Civil and Scape landscaper will know the seasonalities of different flowers and will be able to determine which will work best for your business depending on environmental conditions, soil quality and your overall needs. Regardless of what is decided between your landscaper and you, your business will have a beautiful bed of colourful and blooming flowers to welcome your customers, clients and employees.

Evergreen trees

In addition to flowers, you can also talk to your landscaper about evergreen trees. Evergreen trees retain their leaves and vitality all year long, providing shade in the summer months and healthy, green foliage during winter. Planting evergreen trees don’t only add to the lush and vibrant greenery around your business but, it also reduces the number of fallen leaves during autumn and winter. Some evergreen trees that you can incorporate into your environment are Native Frangipani, Meyer lemon, Navel orange and Tuckeroo.

Lawn maintenance

Autumns and winter usually mean unwanted debris, fallen leaves and dried branches which can easily cause a drab and unimpressive landscape. Debris on the lawn can also prevent healthy drainage of the soil, and encourage moss and fungal disease. Even if you are not interested in the aesthetics of a neatly manicured lawn, it is important that you understand that lawn maintenance keeps your grass healthy and disease-free during winter. It also helps your grass to grow back healthily during spring and summer.

Fertilise and mulch

Plants are not the only aspects of your garden that are affected during winter. Soil also suffers and must be fertilised. Proper fertilisation of soil helps to provide the necessary nutrients to plants in order for them to stay healthy during low temperatures.

A blanket of mulch adds extra protection to garden beds against weather elements. Your landscaper will provide either animal manure, compost or wood chips to protect your plant beds. The addition of mulch in your flower bed also helps in creating a more uniformed look for your garden.

Are you in search of a landscaping company for your commercial property? At Civil and Scape, our team goes beyond the requirements of a landscaping company as we guide and advise you on the best services and budget-friendly solutions for your property during winter. We provide all of the services mentioned above and more.

If you’d also like landscaping and concrete work for any commercial or civil project, then our team of experts can guide you through the steps of making your dream come alive.

5 turf landscaping ideas for summer that will turn your business around


One of the most impressive features of a commercial landscape is a lush green turf. It reflects professionalism, care and refinement and signals that the business cares about its physical appearance. However, many businesses focus on more decorative elements of landscaping such as seasonal curation of flowers, revegetation and living walls. These elements are all incredibly important for beautifying a landscape, but at Civil and Scape, we believe that all impressive landscapes should start with turf laying.

What is turf landscaping?

Turf landscaping is the process of laying layers of grass in an efficient and aesthetically pleasing manner. Turfs can be either synthetic or real. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. You can discuss your options with one of our landscape architects who will guide you through your options.

Because landscaping is a tedious job, the turf of businesses are frequently neglected. Unlike other elements in a landscape, the appearance of the turf is very noticeable and instantly affects the appearance of a business. This is why turf landscaping done by a professional landscaping company like Civil and Scape is one of the best services that a business can engage in.

A business has the option to simply lay the turf and allow it to be a simple but effective feature in its landscape. Alternatively, a business can use turf landscaping to highlight other features and be a creative element in the business’ surroundings. In this article, we’ll explore 5 ideas for turf landscaping in your business.

5 ideas for your business’ turf landscaping

Use turf landscaping as a frame

If your business’ landscape is already beautifully designed and manicured, then we recommend doing very little to your turf. Sometimes, a turf’s job is to provide framing for existing elements in your landscape. For example, if you have a beautiful stonework walkway or a water feature as a focal point in your landscape, then a sheet of beautiful lush turf is all that is needed to highlight your landscape. This also works amazingly for trees and flowers with kerbing. The juxtaposition of hard concrete or stone (for the kerbing) against the softness of the grass can create an impactful effect.

Add decorative plants

In a similar vein, the addition of decorative plants can make the beauty of a turf pop. Many times, turfs aren’t recognised for their beauty because of the lack of additional elements; turfs can end up looking like a golf course, which is not negative, but also not effective for a business. By using colourful plants, you will make the lush green turf pop and add dimension to the landscape.

Make it an accent

Your business’ turf is a great opportunity for your business to express its creativity and reflect the brand’s personality. Use the turf in conjunction with concrete or stonework and additional elements to create turf art. You can even make it interactive in some cases, by incorporating a game such as chess or noughts and crosses.

A more formal option is to use the turf to spell out your business’ name or to create its logo. This is a fun and eco-friendly way to advertise your business and is quite effective because of the unique combination of nature and branding.

Green on green makes a statement

 An unlikely but effective combination is to use green trees and shrubs in conjunction with a business’ turf landscaping. While earlier in our article, we spoke about the effectiveness of adding colourful flowers to accentuate the beauty of the turf, we will now be discussing an opposing strategy that has a similar outcome.

By using different shades of green with different textures, the beauty of the turf’s greenery stands out. Different textures make the landscape interesting to look at and provide an elegant but interesting appearance. This idea is effective for businesses that are not keen on incorporating colour into their business and that would rather keep their landscape simple, but effective. Textures are the key to this strategy, so ask your landscaping company for a variety of shrubs, flowers and trees that are different shades of green and white.

Civil and Scape’s landscaping team is trained in advising business owners on what designs will work best for their company’s turf.  We provide proactive, innovative and sustainable solutions, ensuring to deliver a successful outcome.

Work with our team today for a seamless experience and perfect execution. Browse through our gallery to view our past projects.

How to identify when your business needs professional landscaping services

professional landscaping services

Professional landscaping services ensure that your business’ landscape potential is maximised to meet comfort, attractiveness and functionality. However, many businesses in Sydney have a hard time deciding whether or not they should dedicate a portion of their budget to landscaping services. At Civil and Scape, we fully recommend the services of a landscaping company, however, we understand that some businesses cannot afford to, especially in this climate. For this reason, we’ve come up with several questions to ask yourself about your business. These questions will indicate whether or not your business can benefit from landscaping services.

Why are landscaping services important for your company?

Many business owners are doubtful about the impact or importance of landscaping services. This is one of the reasons that they are hesitant to invest in landscaping services. Before we dive into the rest of our article, we’ll first outline why landscaping services are effective for a business. 

  • Develop a landscape that is attractive to customers and clients.
  • Create a positive working environment for employees.
  • Advertise commitment to sustainability.
  • Install features that improve the accessibility and functionality of the business’ landscape.

While these are not all of the benefits of landscaping services, it is clear that landscaping services can provide businesses with numerous advantages.

4 questions to help you determine if your business needs a landscaping service company

Does my business stand out during the night?

During the night is when many customers take notice of businesses. Unfortunately, many companies fail to capitalise on this and neglect their business’  nighttime appearance. During the night, assess whether your business stands out or not. Is it adequately illuminated? Does the beauty of your landscape shine during the night? If your answer is no, then it is most likely that you need the services of a landscaping company. Civil and Scape can install landscape lighting that does not only illuminate your business during the night, but that also adds warmth and beauty to the entirety of your landscape.

Are my employees and customers comfortable at my company?

The comfort of your employees and customers is one of the most important things of a positive business environment. If your employees cannot enjoy nor feel relaxed in your business’ exterior environment, then this can lead to unhappiness and reduced motivation at work. Similarly, an uncomfortable business environment does not encourage customers or clients to stay a long time and can deter them from visiting your business. A landscape that’s comfortable for both employees and customers will be lush, inviting and have comfortable seating arrangements and water features. A landscaping company can help to tailor your landscape to your company’s needs, ensuring that clients, customers and employees are comfortable and encouraged to stay in your business.

How does my current landscape appear?

While this is one of the most basic questions to ask yourself, it is also the most important. The appearance of your landscape is what dictates to customers, employees and clients how much you care about your company’s physical property. It sends a message about your brand personality, the employees who work there and how successful the business is. If your company’s landscape is overgrown, poorly maintained and lacking in vibrance, then it is most likely sending the wrong message about your business. A landscaping company can offer maintenance, seasonal curation of flowers and turf laying to inject life and vibrance back into your company’s landscape.

Does my landscape reflect my business’ identity?

Every company has a brand identity. This identity should be reflected in their employees, products, website and landscape. When your business’ identity is reflected in your landscape, visitors immediately get a sense of what your business is about. If your company’s identity is not reflected in your landscape, then you are doing a disservice to your business. A business that prides itself on sustainability should have a lush green garden and a landscape filled with native flowers and trees. Additionally, a yoga studio can use its landscape to support its business by having a landscaping company install water features to create a calm environment. Whatever your business identity is, a landscaping company can advise you what you can do to better reflect your business’ purpose, function and personality into your landscape.

Every member of our landscaping company is trained to advise business owners on what will work best for their company and goals. We provide proactive and sustainable solutions in line with a business’ identity and needs.

Work with our team today for a seamless experience and perfect execution. Browse through our gallery to view our past projects.

Why timber decking might be the new addition for your Sydney business

timber decking

Even though we are only just coming out of winter, it’s never too early to start thinking about warm weather. One of the best things about Sydney is the abundance of beautiful, sunny days we have throughout the year. What’s the best way to enjoy those days? On a timber deck! If you’re a business in search of a brand new idea to revamp your company, then a timber deck might just be the new addition for you. Of course, timber decks are not for every business, however, if you are one of the few who can lure customers in with the promise of sunny recreation, then why not take advantage of it?

What businesses can benefit from timber decking? 

Like we mentioned earlier, not every business can make use of a timber deck. The only way that this addition will be valuable to your business is if it makes sense financially (can you afford it?) or if it suits the nature of your business. So, just what kind of business do we recommend a timber deck for?

  • Restaurants
  • Hotels 
  • Event venues
  • Bars 

How can timber decking help your business?

In these types of businesses, there are specific benefits that can be gained from adding a timber deck.

Attract customers

A timber deck is an attractive feature for customers in the businesses mentioned above. The clients who frequent these businesses will appreciate a timber deck and view it as an added value feature. This will enable a business to attract more customers who may be immediately intrigued by the timber. This can serve as a competitive advantage as restaurants, hotels, event venues and bars are oversaturated business sectors.

Add value

A timber deck adds value in a few different ways for businesses. First, it adds selling value if a property owner wishes to sell their commercial building. Second, it adds rental value, allowing property owners to charge a higher rental value. Third, in some cases, it may allow businesses to charge a higher price for their products or services. This option is more applicable to venues who use timber decks as value-added features and subsequently charge a high rental fee.

Accommodate more clients

A timber deck allows more customers to access a venue, restaurant or bar at one given time. This allows businesses to serve more customers at one time, allowing them to make more money. For venues, a timber deck accommodates more guests and allows companies to charge a higher price for the accommodation of more people.

Strength and durability 

Timber decks are extremely strong and durable. This does not only give you peace of mind in its structural integrity, but also your investment. The durability of timber decks means that for years to come, you can be confident in the appearance and strength of your deck, even when hosting people or moving around furniture.

Ease of maintenance

Timber decking does not require much cleaning effort, and because of its durability, looks great for many years.  Wood requires very little maintenance, meaning very little of your time is devoted to this valuable addition. Businesses don’t want to add features that take up time or cost more money in the long run, making timber decking a great option. We recommend polishing the frame a few times a year, however, do this with your discretion and according to how much you use your deck.

Are you in need of timber decking for your business? At Civil and Scape, we can construct a timber deck for your business, ensuring that it is in line with the latest trends and your business’ needs. Our team is trained in advising business owners on what will work best for their company.

We provide high-quality landscaping constructions, ensuring to deliver a project that exceeds your expectations.

Work with our team today for a seamless experience and perfect execution. Browse through our gallery to view our past projects.

Want to have a chat? Give us a call on 1300 457 457 or shoot us a message here.